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Chinese in Schools

For most of us, Chinese language learning takes place mostly in a school setting. 

But the school system in Hong Kong is a bit complicated... and the way Chinese taught is even more complicated!


We hope the information on these pages will help you navigate the experience of learning Chinese in a Hong Kong school setting. We hope our support materials will help your child learn Chinese more effectively.

Types of School provides an overview of the Hong Kong school system and how it relates to Chinese teaching.  Do read this if you are thinking of putting your child into the local system. 

Managing School Life is the 'What to Expect Guide' for parents with children entering Primary One at a local school. 

Getting Support discusses how to talk to your child's teacher and the ins and outs of tutoring. 

Textbook Support provides chapter by chapter English language support for the most commonly used textbooks in local schools. 

Best Practice in Schools puts the spotlight on successful strategies being used in school to support Chinese language learning for children from non-Chinese speaking families. 

A network of support and practical resources for families with children learning Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) as an additional language in Hong Kong.

© 2020 Chinese as An Additional Language Hong Kong (CALHK)

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